March 25 is the 84th day of the year (85th in leap years). There are 281 days remaining.
- 1851 — Sarah Chesham died.
- 1851 — Mária Gerzsány is born.
- 1940 — Douglas Wright is born.
- 1957 — John Ewell is born.
- 1957 — Milena Quaglini is born.
- 1959 — Wolfgang Abel is born.
- 1982 — Cleophus Cooksey Jr. is born.
- 1985 — Ronald Allridge is apprehended.
- 1987 — Louis Chaves is apprehended.
- 1989 — Anthony Sears (victim) died.
- 2005 — John Eichinger is apprehended.
- 2007 — Siswanto died.
- 2022 — Patrick Schaff died.