January 24 is the 24th day of the year. 341 days (342 in leap years) remain in the year after this day.
- 1936 — Darryl Kemp is born.
- 1951 — Tadeusz Kwaśniak is born.
- 1962 — Jean-Marc Petroff is born.
- 1965 — Brenda O'Connor (victim) is born.
- 1986 — Anthony McKnight is apprehended.
- 1989 — Ted Bundy died.
- 1992 — Jia Wenge died.
- 1994 — Yoshinori Ueda is apprehended.
- 2022 — Ángela Carolina Acosta Flores is murdered by Bryant Rivera.
- 2022 — Joël Matencio died.